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Contacting Support

Fortinet Support Center

Call Fortinet Support Center at +1 408 486 7899 (International) or please select your country for local contact number

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* Some toll-free numbers have special dialing instructions and may not be available from all mobile phones.

TalkSwitch and FortiVoice Support Center

1-866-393-9960 (Toll Free US and Canada)
1-613-725-2466 (International)
Normal office hours: Monday-Friday, 09:00 - 20:00 Eastern Time

CALL NOW! 1-866-868-3678

Since deploying Fortinet appliances, our IT staff has been spending significantly less time managing our network security. We can now easily make global and regional network changes from a central location rather than having to log in to each device.

John Iraci
Vice President of Enterprise Infrastructure